
About the Client

Our client is a company specializing in IoT-based sensor monitoring systems. Their web application is designed to gather live data on CO2, Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, and COV from various environments. The sensors can be installed in rooms, halls, or large spaces to monitor these key factors.

Client’s Challenges

  • High Bug Count: The application faced numerous bugs, leading to significant lag issues.
  • Real-Time Data Monitoring: Ensuring the accurate and timely capture of real-time data was challenging.
  • Repetitive Manual Testing: Manual testing was time-consuming and inefficient.
  • Reliable Deployment Process: There was a need for a more reliable and efficient deployment process.

Our Approach

Initial Assessment:

  • Conducted a thorough review of the web application to understand its functionalities.
  • Performed smoke testing to identify major issues early on.

Manual Testing

  • Developed comprehensive test cases and initiated manual end-to-end testing for sensor creation, client management, and data measurement.
  • Used Jira for logging and tracking bugs to ensure efficient issue resolution.

Performance and Load Testing

  • Utilized K6 Bash Script for performance and load testing to ensure data monitoring capabilities under various conditions.

Regression Testing

  • Developed a robust regression suite with critical test cases mandatory for every release.

Automation Testing

  • Automated over 30-40 critical regression test cases to reduce manual effort and enhance efficiency.
  • Integrated automated tests into the continuous integration pipeline for automatic execution with every code change.

Backend Development

  • Optimization: Improved the efficiency and reliability of server-side processes.
  • Integration: Ensured seamless integration with third-party services for real-time data monitoring.
  • Scalability: Enhanced the backend to support increased user loads and future growth, ensuring the system could scale as needed.

Frontend Development

  • User Experience: Redesigned the UI to improve usability and accessibility, making the application more intuitive for users.
  • Performance: Optimized frontend performance to ensure a fast and responsive user experience.
  • Functionality: Implemented new features to provide users with comprehensive tools for managing and monitoring data effectively.

Quality Assurance

  • Manual Testing: Conducted thorough manual testing to identify and resolve existing bugs, ensuring a stable foundation.
  • Automated Testing: Developed an extensive suite of automated tests to maintain ongoing quality and stability.
  • CI/CD Pipeline: Set up a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to automate testing and deployment, providing the client with real-time updates.

Value Delivered

  • Bug Reduction: Reduced the number of critical bugs by 95% within the first month.
  • Automation Coverage: Achieved 85% automation coverage for critical test cases.
  • Testing Efficiency: Reduced the time required for regression testing from 7 hours to 2 hours, resulting in an 83% time savings.
  • Performance Improvement: Improved real-time data monitoring efficiency, reducing data lag by 90%.
  • Deployment Frequency: Increased deployment frequency from bi-weekly to daily, ensuring quicker delivery of new features and fixes.
  • Client Satisfaction: Maintained a 99% client satisfaction rate by providing real-time updates and maintaining open communication channels.
  • Cost Savings: Saved the client approximately 30% in QA costs due to reduced manual testing efforts and increased efficiency through automation.
  • Uptime Improvement: Improved application uptime from 92% to 99.7%, enhancing user experience and reliability.


This project showcased our ability to handle complex IoT-based applications and ensure their reliability through comprehensive testing. Our approach, combining manual and automated testing with agile methodologies, delivered a high-quality solution that exceeded the client’s expectations. The success of this project highlights our commitment to delivering excellence in QA services, resulting in significant time and cost savings, timely project delivery, and improved business outcomes.